Henry Dalton 

 July 27, 2021

The names in these stories have been changed to maintain client confidentiality.

In November of 2020, Henry began looking for a new home. While searching for homes in his area, he was hoping to find a place closer to his doctor’s office. He was 65, living on social security and disability, and his wife was soon to retire.

Henry struggled with his health over the years– overcoming cancer, surviving kidney dialysis, and eventually a kidney transplant. His medical expenses grew more and more each year and took quite a toll on his credit.

With scores in the 500’s range, Henry knew that he would not qualify for a mortgage. He began looking into programs that would help prepare him for homeownership, which is when he discovered Credit Innovation Group.

When he initially called in, he came in contact with a specialist by the name of Keith. Keith answered all of Henry’s questions and discussed his needs for a home. Henry was very motivated to learn about CIG’s Home Ready Program and quickly decided to sign up.

Keith then introduced Henry to his personal credit specialist Alice, who got right to work on building out a customized credit building map that would help Henry achieve his goals of purchasing a new home.

Over the following months, Alice helped Henry tackle his credit card utilization, corrected 86% of the incorrect items on his credit profile, and CRBC added his rent payments to his credit history.

On Jul 2, 2021, Henry moved into his new home. Today, Henry continues to work on his credit with Alice and loves to inspire others with his story.

See how we can help you improve your credit

Having good credit opens the door to achieving our financial dreams. We help our members develop a strong credit profile so that they can do just that! What are you waiting for?