Student Loan Ninja

Struggling with student loan debt? We'll help you restructure that debt to become more manageable and affordable while improving your overall credit score. 

Student Loan Ninja Gives You

Start Building Credit

by restructuring your loan and make on-time payments

Loan Restructuring

based on your current income, to become more manageable

Fix Your Debt-to-Income

by restructuring your loans to have a lower monthly payment

Student Loan Statistics


Nearly 3 of every 5 graduating students has student loan debt.


1 in 5 of those with student loan debt are behind on their payments or in default. 


2 of 5 students who have defaulted on their loans are unable to qualify for major purchases, such as a home or car.

The Student Loan Ninja Process

Step 1

Analyze Student Loan Debt

We begin by taking a look at the student loans on your most recent credit report, after which we will walk you through a quick questionnaire to identify which program will best address your unique circumstance. 

Step 2

Rehabilitation or Consolidation Process

Weather you failed to make a payment, or defaulted on your student loan entirely there are several repayment options to help you get back on track. This includes but is not limited to student loan consolidation and repayment plan, recertification, public service student loan forgiveness qualification, and even rehabilitation of defaulted student loans. 

Step 3

CIG Platinum Status

While third party student loan services can be very costly ($150-$1200), your Platinum Service with Credit Innovation Group ensures access to our full service student loan department at no additional cost as long as you remain a member. 

With Student Loan Ninja You Will

Save Money

Build Positive Credit

Reduce Debt

Improve DTI Ratio

Why People Love Credit Innovation Group


What does Al Timpson do?

Al helps work with, facilitate, process paperwork for clients to do all of the following listed below.

What is the difference between student loan forgiveness and student loan discharge?

Student Loan forgiveness is available once you have entered into an Income Driven Repayment(IDR) plan.  This is given over time and is not immediate.

A discharge of student loan debt is available due to disability, school closure, or from a school that has committed fraud or other unscrupulous practices.

Do my student loans qualify for student loan forgiveness?

To be eligible for student loan forgiveness, you need to be in an Income Driven Repayment plan (not in default) specific for a Public Service Loan Forgiveness or other types of forgiveness.

What is recertification?

Once you are in an IDR, you will need to submit income verification annually, called recertification.

What is PSLF?

Public Service Loan Forgiveness.  This is a type of forgiveness of student loans.

Who qualifies for PSLF?

Public Service Loan Forgiveness is available to anyone working for a Non-profit under Section 501(c)(3) or government agency work:  Teachers, police officers, nurses...for a public hospital, etc are all qualifiers for the PSLF, but the DOE does have a listing of every organization that qualifies for this type of forgiveness.  You do need to have an IDR established and reported with 120 qualifying payments to receive forgiveness of your student loan debt.

My school closed down, can I get my student loans forgiven?

There is an opportunity to file an application to discharge your student loan debt if your school has closed down.  You would have to have been currently enrolled in the school and can not have graduated to qualify for this discharge.  Typically the DOE only allows you up to 6 months at the time of school closure to get an application processing.

Can I have my student loans forgiven if the school misled/defrauded me?

There are several types of discharge applications of student loan debt geared towards school mis-representation.  Your student loan servicer will know which application is appropriate for a particular situation.

I am on disability, can my student loans be forgiven?

Yes, if you are on Social Security Disability benefits, the DOE can give a discharge of your student loan debt as long as the proper paperwork is provided.  It does have to be a permanent disability.  Veteran’s who are permanently disabled can also be given a discharge of their student loan debt.

What is a 'BPQY' award letter?

“BPQY” stands for Benefits Planning Query and is what the SSA can send out to qualifying disability beneficiaries.  Along with your monthly award amount, it also is specific to a “review period” that the DOE needs to see to determine the severity of your disability.  This specifically needs to show 5+ or more year review period to qualify.

My student loans have defaulted. What can I do to get them back in good standing?

Student loans in default (gone into collections) is not the end of the world!  

You have 2 options:  Consolidate your student loans out of collections into one student loan into an IDR.  To be able to consolidate, you can not have a wage garnishment judgment or a tax offset against you.

Option 2:  Rehabilitation...9 good payments w/ an approved payment amount from the DOE.  Once you have successfully completed the rehabilitation, your student loans will go back to a non default servicer and your default remark will be removed from your credit reports.

Why should I consolidate my student loans?

Consolidation of your student loans are a very important factor to do if your student loans are in collections.  It will also help if you have multiple loans with poor payment history which will close out your current student loans and get you one positive student loan reporting on your credit reports.

What is the difference between private student loans and federal student loans?

Federal Student loans are provided and guaranteed by the federal government.  There are many benefits to help student loan borrowers out.

Private student loans are set up by a private banker just like any other type of private installment loans.  These require credit qualifying, etc in order to obtain a student loan.  You do not get the privileges that Federal student loans provide.

I helped my child take out student loans. Can they be removed from my credit reports?

Taking out student loans for your child is referred to as “Parent Plus” student loans.  These student loans are the parent’s responsibility fully and can not be removed unless the child takes out his/her own private loan(s) to pay them off from the parent’s responsibility.

Why is the government taking my tax returns in regards to my student loans?

If your student loans have defaulted, at some point the government will put a tax offset (take your tax returns) against paying off your student loan debt.

I have defaulted student loans, why are my wages being garnished?

If your student loans have defaulted, at some point the government will put a wage garnishment judgement against your student loan debt.

What is rehabilitation of student loans?

A rehabilitation of your student loan(s) is a program the DOE has set up for student loan borrowers who have defaulted on their student loans.  It’s designed to be a 10 month or 9 good payments which are set up with an approved payment plan, which payment is based on household income, family size, and monthly expenses.  Once a borrower has successfully completed the rehabilitation program, their student loans are placed back with a new servicer and their student loans are reported positively to the bureaus.

What can I do to lower my balance to help my DTI?

DTI (Debt To Income) of student loan debt can be lowered by paying down the principal balance of the student loans.

What will the interest rate be on a consolidation?

When a consolidation of student loans is processed, the Department of Ed will take each individual interest rate on each loan and take an average of all the interest rates to come up with the final interest rate on the consolidated student loan.

List of schools for potential borrower defense discharge due to fraud

  • Corinthian Colleges
  • ITT Technical Institute
  • Education Corporation of America (ECA)
  • Education Management Corporation (EMC)

I thought I had federal student loans but I've been told they don't qualify for any of the federal forgiveness programs.

When you initially took out student loans, it could have been before 2010.  At that time student loans could be taken out “commercially” called FFELP student loans.  They are privately funded but are serviced and guaranteed by the federal government.  Unfortunately, because of the private funding, they do not qualify for some of the federal programs offered under the “Direct” federal student loans.  The FFELP student loans can be consolidated into “Direct” student loans which then do qualify for all the programs available to borrowers of Federal student loans.

I used to have defaulted student loans but now they are off of my credit reports, can I still qualify for a mortgage?

Even though your defaulted student loans have come off of your reports it could be they have gone through the natural timeline of 7 years and been removed.  Unfortunately, they are still on record with CAIVRS(Credit Alert Verification Reporting System) and will be a factor in qualifying or even closing on a mortgage.

What is the difference of deferment or forbearance?

Both options allow you to postpone your monthly federal student loan payments. Deferment allows you to postpone your payments, for up to 3 years, without accruing interest (subsidized loans) but does accrue interest on (unsubsidized loans).

Forbearance allows you to postpone your payments but interest will continue to accrue and most likely is only allowed for up to 12 months.

What are the non IDR payment types?

On a STANDARD PLAN, you will pay the same fixed amount each month for the length of the term. On a GRADUATED PLAN, your payments will be lower than what you would pay if you were to stay on the standard plan, but never too low that you aren't paying the amount of interest that is accruing each month.

EXTENDED GRADUATED PAYMENT, under this repayment plan, your payments start small and then increase every two years. Both extended plans lower payments by lengthening your repayment term, but extended graduated repayment also initially decreases your payments based on how much you owe.

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Improve Your Credit

Having good credit opens the door to achieving our financial dreams. We help our members develop a strong credit profile so that they can do just that. What are you waiting for?
